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Geolocation is easier (and cheaper) than you think

Most of the time when you’re surfing the web, or creating web applications, you don’t expect real geography to be involved. Historically it’s been tricky to identify with any accuracy or reliability the physical location of your visitors, and might even be said to contravene the spirit of the web. But if what if you really do want to take action based on where they’re coming from?

Published Sep 13, 2007

I discovered today that it’s really easy. Geolocation is the term used for the conversion of an IP address to a real-world geographic location. For example: maps to:

City Latitude Longitude
Mountain View,
California, USA
37.3956 -122.076

There are a whole bunch of companies selling geolocation services – usually either as web services, or as downloadable databases containing IP addresses and geographic data.

Free geolocation data

If you’re looking for something free, check out MaxMind GeoLite City. You can download a huge pair of CSV files (one for IP blocks, one for corresponding location data) from their website and import them into SQL Server, and you’ll end up with a schema like this:


Now, there are 4 billion possible IP addresses, so rather than explicitly listing every one as a separate row (which really would hurt SQL Server) the MaxMind people have split up the IP address space into blocks which correspond to a single geographic location. To help SQL Server find which block an IP address is in, they have defined a one-to-one mapping from IP addresses to BIGINT values, as such:

A.B.C.D <=> A*256^3 + B*256^2 + C*256 + D


So now you can (almost) instantly obtain geographic data for any IP address by defining a SQL user defined function (UDF) such as:

CREATE FUNCTION [GetGeocodingData]
    (@a tinyint, @b tinyint, @c tinyint, @d tinyint)
RETURNS @ReturnTable TABLE (
	City VARCHAR(255),
	Region VARCHAR(255),
	Country VARCHAR(255),
	Latitude FLOAT,
	Longitude FLOAT
	INSERT @ReturnTable
	SELECT 	lo.City,
	FROM Blocks bl
	JOIN Locations lo on lo.LocationID = bl.LocationID
	WHERE (CAST(@a AS BIGINT)*256*256*256 + @b*256*256 + @c*256 + @d)
	  BETWEEN bl.[BlockStart] AND bl.[BlockEnd]


In this example, the parameters @a, @b, @c, @d correspond to the four parts of the IP address (and should therefore be integers in the range 0-255).


MVC in the browser

Complex user interfaces in ASP.NET – what a pain! If you’re adding and removing controls at runtime, or even just trying to embed custom controls in a GridView, you’ll know how it can all break down into a sorry mess of events not firing, controls losing their viewstate, and you spending the afternoon fighting the VS debugger and cursing those sadists who invented the ‘page lifecycle’…!

Published Aug 13, 2007