Knockout v2.3.0 released; v3.0.0 beta available
Lots of new goodies for Knockout.js developers today! You can download version 2.3.0 final or 3.0.0 beta from the downloads page right now. Read More
Knockout-ES5: a plugin to simplify your syntax
Knockout-ES5 is a plugin for Knockout.js that lets you use simpler and more natural syntax in your model code and bindings. For example, you can replace this: Read More
Animating lists with CSS 3 transitions
Ever wanted to implement animated lists or grids, like in the following 12-second video? Read More
Touralot: an iOS app built with PhoneGap, Knockout, and Azure Mobile Services
As a weekend project for the past few months, I’ve been building my first real mobile app: Touralot. Finally, it’s done, and it’s been approved on the iOS App Store! Read More
Knockout 2.2.0 released
It’s been five months since the last significant Knockout release, so it’s about time for another! The core team and many contributors have been hard at work adding some sweet new features, performance upgrades, architectural improvements, and bug fixes. After all this, the final code file is smaller than the previous version
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Using JSHint inside Visual Studio – the basics
JSHint is great. It’s a linting tool for JavaScript: a simple tool that can very often spot your mistakes before you do. It can save you from a lot of tedious debugging, lets you refactor JavaScript code with greater confidence, and reduces the chances of you deploying broken code to your production server. Read More