Knockout 2.0.0 released
Here it is at last! Knockout 2.0.0 contains a huge set of improvements since the 1.2.x line. If you’re using KO already, see below for some of the highlights. Read More
Full-height app layouts: A CSS trick to make it easier
In HTML layouts, there’s a fundamental difference between width and height. The natural state of affairs is that your page’s width is constrained to the width of the browser window, but its height is unconstrained – it grows however tall is necessary to contain its contents. Read More
Knockout 1.3.0 Beta Available
Knockout version 1.3.0 is coming soon, and it’s going to be a huge release with a big stack of features that many of you have asked for.
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Review: Open-source components used in
Over the last two months I’ve been using my wife-approved weekend coding time to build, a set of interactive in-browser coding exercises to help people learn the basics of knockout.js in a convenient and fun way. If you haven’t already seen it, grab a hot drink and treat yourself to 15 minutes of enjoyable learning right now! Read More